Bulloch's Night Out Against Crime

Statesboro's Law Enforcement Brings Community Together
Statesboro Police Department along with the Georgia Southern Police department and Bulloch county Sheriff’s Foundation, sponsored the first Bulloch’s Night Out Against Crime event in Bulloch county at the Fair Road Recreation Department Center on September, 10.
During the event, the Statesboro community got together for free food, bounce houses, games and public service organization demonstrations.
Local businesses were also in attendance, along with organizations like Safe Haven and Georgia Southern University's Wellness Program.
The Wellness Program specifically made sure to give families and children information about driving under the Influence. They even had a alcohol simulation obstacle course with beer goggles to show kids how operating while intoxicated can impair your judgement and senses, which many children loved.
Deputy James Revell of the Bulloch County Sheriff's Office, who also helped coordinate the event wanted to make sure it was similar to a family oriented picnic . He also wanted to make sure that it was a free event for all so that everyone could participate in the fun and food.
"We want everyone to have a good time and come up, eat all you want and have a ball," Deputy Revell said.
Even Keith Howard the Bulloch County Sheriff's department Democratic candidate came to be a part of the fun and to talk about his platform as well.
“I came out just to bring my son and meet with the people of the county. I want to let them try to have a chance to met with me and ask me any questions they have. That’s what my campaign is based on, unity and bringing the county together,” Howard said.
Law enforcement and safety is an important issue in our society today. Bulloch's Night out Against Crime was an event that gave insight on how significant it is that we discuss and continue to be involved in the safety of our communities as well as making sure members of the community feel safe, informed, welcomed, and are able to have fun.
A Question that Lingers: Bulloch's Night Out Against Crime Leaves Branden with a question.